en español
Offshore work day #10
Today Ivan Soto a local rincóeño, Freeman Allan associated with Rescate Playa Isabela, and our very own Surfrider Foundation Rincón volunteer coordinator Steve Tamar helped clean the reefs just outside of the marina. All of the volunteers worked today to remove 29 tires from areas just outside of the marina. Below are photos from the days work and our procedure.
The days crew would
spot a tire and rope it...
hoist it...
pull it aboard...
sometimes with all of their strength...
take a breather...and then repeat.
Here is a photo of the aftermath.
Thanks for your help!
Contact me (Wess Merten) at 401-258-4627 or siestasyolas6@aol.com for more information on helping out in this coral reef restoration and marine debris removal effort.
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